Academic Honors for ECHS/Dual Credit Students

Austin Community College recognizes academic achievement at the completion of each fall, spring, and summer semester. Notification of the achievement will appear on the student’s transcripts. If a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) qualifies for an achievement award, the honor also will appear on their diploma. To be eligible for academic honors, students must complete at least 15 credits at ACC and earn at least a cumulative 3.5 GPA for the semester.

The academic achievements recognized at ACC are:

Designation Grade Point Average
President’s Honor Roll 4.0
Scholastic Excellence Roll 3.75-3.99
Scholastic Leadership Roll 3.5-3.74

High School Students who have completed at least 9 hours of ACC credit with at least a 3.25 GPA are also eligible to apply to Phi Theta Kappa, the ACC Honor Society.

ACC Graduation Honors for High School Students with ACC Credit

In addition to the academic honors listed above, ACC’s High School Programs department also honors graduating high school students with unique graduation regalia for certain academic achievements. These awarded honors are:

  • Purple Graduation Cords: Given to graduating seniors who completed 15 or more hours of ACC credit while in high school. These cords will either be delivered to your high school (if you attend a public, private or charter high school) or mailed to you (if you are a homeschool student).
  • Purple & White Graduation Cords: Given to graduating seniors who completed their ACC core curriculum requirements while in high school. These cords will be awarded at ACC’s annual Chancellor’s Reception.
  • White Stoles: Given to graduating seniors who completed an ACC associates degree and/or workforce certificate while in high school. These stoles will be awarded at ACC’s annual and can be worn to both ACC’s Commencement Celebration and students’ high school graduations.

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