FAQs for Parents

Who is eligible for Dual Credit? 

Dual Credit classes are available to students who:

  • Are in grades 9-12.
  • Attend a partnering public, private, or charter school OR are home schooled and able to provide a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
  • Have college ready test scores (TSI, SAT/ACT, STARR, PSAT).
  • Contact your school counselor or ACC’s College and High School Relations Office to find out if your school offers Dual Credit classes.
Is Dual Credit at ACC really free?

Eligible courses are free for all students residing in the ACC Service Area for up to 60 Credit Hours. Dual Credit tuition does not cover textbook and material fees, which must be purchased by the student, unless you qualified for the Financial Aid for Swift Transfer also known as the for the FAST program. Please check with your high school counselor to see if you qualified and found out how to apply for it.

How much will we save with Dual Credit?

The average cost of a 3-hour college course at any public postsecondary institution is $1,336. See current ACC tuition costs. Taking dual credit classes in high school prevents you and your student from paying consistently rising costs on tuition for core curriculum and workforce classes, for free or at an extremely reduced cost.

Can my child handle it? 

Dual credit is challenging, requiring self-motivation and support to succeed. However, with student support resources from ACC and planning on the part of your student, dual credit is more than manageable. Make sure your student understands the differences between high school and college curriculum, and factor in their other responsibilities before making a decision.

Will my student need their own transportation?

No, classes can be taken at their high school or online. Green Pass are available to students enrolled in ACC credit classes. The Green Pass offers unlimited rides to class, work, and anywhere else on the CapMetro transit system for one semester. Green Pass riders must show an ACC ID card upon request.

How do I convince my student to take Dual Credit classes?

To get the most out of dual credit, it is important that your student understands how dual credit will positively impact them now and in the future. Self-motivation is the key to succeeding, so find out what they want to get out of college after high school, and focus on how dual credit will help them get there.

Where will these classes transfer?

ACC credits transfer to the state of Texas’s top public colleges and universities, including UT-Austin and Texas State. It’s important to verify course transferability with the four-year institution your student plans to attend. Information about course transfer and equivalencies can be found here or on the website of the preferred transfer location.

What degrees and credentials can be earned in high school?

The Early College High School program gives students the opportunity and path to complete an associate degree (or up to 60 college credits). For career-minded students ready to enter the workforce, Career Academies and ACCTech provide diverse career certification and training programs at waived or heavily discounted tuition.

I’m the parent of a homeschooled student. How can I get them started with the enrollment process?

Please have your student complete Steps 2 and 3 of the High School Programs Application Steps and Checklist including activation of ACC ID number and ACC email. Then have them email their Enrollment and Partnership Liaison (choose the team member that works with the high school that your student would attend if they attended a public school) from their ACC email address and include their ACC ID number. Our E&P team will verify their ACC account and reply with specific instructions and forms for our homeschool students. 

As a parent, how can I verify that my student has registered for their ACC class?

Please have your student email their Enrollment and Partnership Liaison assigned to their high school directly from their official ACC email address and include their ACC ID number. Our team members can then verify that the student has registered correctly and notify them if there are any issues.

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