
A college entrance exam that can be used to satisfy college-readiness assessment requirements.

AR7/AR8 Hold
Each semester, AR7 (for DUAL credit students) and AR8 (for ECHS students) holds are placed on students’ ACC accounts while enrolled in high school. Students will receive an email notification for the hold via their ACC email address. The AR7/AR8 hold serves as a reminder that DUAL credit and ECHS students who want to participate in ACC classes for the next semester must have permission from their high school counselor/administrator. This permission comes in the form of our spreadsheet process that we use with our high school partners. The holds are removed when we receive permission from the high school allowing the students to register for next semester. If you have a question about your hold, please reach out to your high school counselor/administration or your ACC Enrollment and Partnership Liaison.

Articulation Agreement
Articulation agreements indicate courses that transfer directly from one educational institution to another. Austin Community College has articulation agreements with many area school districts to recognize courses eligible for dual credit or credit in escrow.

College credit awarded to students who have successfully completed high school-to-college tech-prep courses identified in articulation agreements with Austin Community College.

Dual Credit
College courses that may count for both high school and college credit upon successful completion.

Dual Credit Program
An ACC program which encourages high school students to gain college course work (dual credit, co-enrollment, or ACC Tech) while still in high school.

Dual Credit Co-Enrollment Form
This is the form that is obtained from your high school counselor that must be submitted every semester to enroll in dual credit/college classes.

Federal guidelines that restrict the contact and communication that parents may expect with college staff. FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) limits access to a student’s records including academic progress, grades, class attendance, and communication with a student’s professor.

SAT is an acronym for scholastic aptitude test. A college entrance exam that can be used to satisfy college-readiness assessment requirements.

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is a state law that requires all students be assessed before enrolling in a public college or university, for math, reading, and writing readiness.

TSI Assessment
A computer-based TSI-approved assessment that can be administered to students to determine if they are college ready. The TSI Assessment was implemented in Fall 2013 and is used by, and accepted at, all Texas public institutions of higher education.

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