The high school counselor asked me to take attendance each day for the high school am I required to do so?
No, as an ACC faculty, you are not required to do so. A high school may send a high school representative to take attendance each day and/or may work with you to devise a way to take attendance before or after class.
Do I have to report progress grades to the high school?
Without student consent this would be a FERPA violation. However, all HS Programs students consent to waive FERPA via their participation in Dual Credit or ECHS programs. High Schools receive final grades from the HS Programs office at the end of the semester for students who have consented.
What do I do if I don’t have what I need in the classroom (supplies, media equipment, desks, etc)?
Start with your High School campus contact and if needed also contact your assigned HS Programs Enrollment & Partnerships Coordinator or Manager.
Who do I talk to if I feel a student needs to withdraw from the course?
Begin with the student, and follow up with the HS campus contact and your assigned HS Programs Academic Success Coordinator or Manager to ensure appropriate withdrawal procedures and deadlines are met.
What if a student is in my class but not on my roster?
Notify your assigned HS Programs Enrollment & Partnerships Coordinator or Manager immediately so he/she can work with the school counselor to resolve the issue promptly.
Do I need to let anybody know if a student who is on my roster has not been coming to class or never showed?
It would be very helpful to share that with your assigned HS Programs Enrollment & Partnerships Coordinator or Manager so they can assist students with appropriate withdrawal procedures. You can also mark them as “Never Attended” when certifying your class roster for Census/Attendance Certification purposes.
How do I work with parents or can I?
With a student’s written consent or accompanied by the student, you may include a parent in your conversation with a student. These situations can be difficult so you can always cite FERPA.
Who do I contact if I’m not able to conduct class?
Please contact the College and High School Relations office at 512-223-7066 to let us know. We will pass the information along to your high school. You can also contact them directly with their contact information listed on your faculty memo.
What happens if a class day falls on a high school holiday or staff development day? Does this mean class will be cancelled for that day?
All Dual Credit classes correspond with ACC’s Academic Calendar. However, where calendar conflict days exist between the college and ISD calendars, the college class is typically cancelled and will not meet due to facilities closures, bus transportation not being available, etc. These “no class” dates will be listed in the faculty memo for the HS campus that is distributed prior to the start of each semester. To account for these cancellations, additional instructional minutes have been added to class sections based at a HS campus to ensure compliance with college & SACS policies.
The classroom I use never has any white-board markers, do I have to buy them myself?
No, please contact both your High School campus contact and the assigned HS Programs Enrollment & Partnerships Coordinator or Manager so that we can make arrangements to have them available for you.
Where can I pick up my ACC mail?
The College and High School Relations office will forward all mail that comes addressed to you to your ACC campus mailbox. If you do not have a campus mailbox, then your mail will be sent to your home address as listed in the ACC system. If you would like us to redirect it elsewhere, please let us know.
What makes a student eligible for Dual Credit?
All Dual Credit students must be completed with their 8th-grade year and be enrolled in the 9-12th grades of high school. They must meet the same TSI requirements as traditional students, as well as have permission from both their parent/guardian and designated High School official.