Student Rights & Responsibilities

Students taking dual credit courses exist under two systems, that of their high school and their college, which may operate under different rules and regulations. It is important for students to understand the rules and regulations of all institutions in which they are enrolled for educational credit. All ACC students, including high school students, are subject to the rights and responsibilities specified on the Student Rights & Responsibilities webpage. These rights and responsibilities include following the Student Standards of Conduct, maintaining Academic Integrity, and submitting Student Complaints and Grade Disputes.

Students who violate the Student Standards of Conduct will be subject to the college’s disciplinary processes, which may run parallel to, or differ from, those of their high schools. This means that it is possible for high school students enrolled in ACC classes to face disciplinary actions administered by both the high school and college personnel for the same offense. Those disciplinary actions may differ, based on the rules and regulations of the different educational institutions. Any student who has questions about the Student Standards of Conduct violation disciplinary process or Student Rights and Responsibilities is encouraged to contact their ACC Academic Success Liaison, who can be found here: Academic Success Liaisons.

Any student enrolled in an institution of higher education is expected to behave in a mature and professional manner, regardless of age. Should a high school student face disciplinary action for conduct, ACC Academic Success Liaisons will work with both ACC and high school personnel towards achieving the goal of changing the unwanted behavior with minimum disruption to the educational process.

Students may refer to the High School Programs Student Handbook (which can be found in English here and Spanish here) or the online ACC Student Handbook for further information.

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