About Upward Bound

An Upward Bound Student

TRIO-Upward Bound is a college preparatory program for high school students funded by the U.S. Department of Education and sponsored locally by Austin Community College. Upward Bound is specifically designed to generate the skills and motivation necessary for success in education beyond high school by providing college, career, and financial aid awareness through tutorial services, workshops, and field trips.

Mission Statement

Austin Community College-TRIO Upward Bound is a year-round college preparatory program that provides underrepresented high school students with academic preparation, career exploration, cultural exposure, and personal support towards pursuing postsecondary degree attainment and lifelong success. 

Vision Statement

In collaboration with Northeast and Travis Early College High Schools, the Austin Community College-TRIO Upward Bound program guides, empowers, and educates students to become future leaders, self-advocates, and critical thinkers beyond postsecondary education in a diverse and global society. 

Upward Bound Benefits

Prepare for College

  • The Upward Bound academic component is held August through May each school year
  • College preparatory courses in math, science, composition, and foreign language
  • Tutorials and test preparation seminars during the academic year
  • 6-week Summer Sessions at ACC

Education & Career Planning

  • Academic advising
  • College and career exploration
  • College and career field trips

College & Financial Aid Assistance

  • Individual assistance with PSAT, SAT/ACT registration applications & fee waivers
  • Individual assistance with college admissions applications
  • Individual assistance with scholarship & financial aid applications

Eligibility Criteria

Students must meet the following federal TRIO eligibility criteria to be considered for selection as an Upward Bound participant:

  • Current 8th and 9th grade students with an interest in attending college
  • Qualify as Low Income and/or Potential First Generation College Graduate (neither parent has received a 4-year degree)
  • Demonstrate an academic need
  • Commit to remain in Upward Bound until high school graduation
  • Commit to participate in all Upward Bound activities and the summer session
  • Zoned or attend Northeast or Travis Early College High Schools

Upward Bound Staff

Contact Email Phone Title
Marissa Gámez marissa.gamez@austincc.edu 512-223-7064 Administrative Assistant III
Trissi Johnson trissi.johnson@austincc.edu 512-223-7064 Director
Niki Williams  niki.williams@austincc.edu 512-223-7064 Travis and Navarro ECHS Advisor
Jordan Sommerville jordan.sommerville@austincc.edu 512-223-7064 Northeast, Eastside, LBJ ECHS Advisor

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